The Indonesian Parrot Project

We have been in touch with the Indonesian Parrot Project for a while now and today we are thrilled to announce our new collaboration with them for making a conservation documentary about their very important work in Indonesia, and possibly for research as well.

The Indonesian Parrot Project (IPP) was founded in 2001 by Dr. Stewart Metz with the mission to help to conserve endangered Indonesian cockatoos through actions both in situ and ex situ. In the past decades they initiated and managed several successful conservation programs.

Their most highlighted project protects one of the rarest and most threatened cockatoos in the world, the Abbotti Cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea abbotti), deep in the Java Sea. Only about 25 individuals remained in the wild. They are still on the brink of extinction.

The IPP’s Conservation-Awareness-Pride (C-A-P) Program was designed to teach local communities, especially children, about their own cockatoos and parrots, why they are important and should be conserved. The project has built a strong pride in the local people.

The IPP is also providing Community Economic Development, alternate means of sustainable income to villagers, who in turn will protect the cockatoos from trapping. Such alternatives are hiring forest wardens to detect active nests, supporting women’s cooperatives, hiring local guides and establishing an ecotourism program.

The IPP also runs and supports an Avian Rescue, Rehabilitation and Release Center in Indonesia. Illegal parrot trade is a big issue in Indonesia, but recent forces are building from the local government and NGOs to stop illegal poaching. Confiscated birds are taken to the rescue center of IPP, rehabilitated and possibly reintroduced to the wild.

We were amazed by the important conservation work the IPP has been conducting to save parrots and cockatoos from extinction in Indonesia. We realized it was time to show these efforts to the public and to bring these stories to the wide-screen by making a documentary film of their work. We have no time to waste! We are packing our equipment and leaving to Indonesia this weekend to accompany Project Director Bonnie Zimmermann visiting their field projects. Check out our Patreon page for stories and updates from the field, and our Twitter and Facebook accounts for photos about the filming trip!


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